Friday, June 4, 2010

Summer Breeze

The summer air blows gently through my hair,
I hear the summer sounds,
       My friends laughing,
       Children playing,
       Music in the background,
       The breeze floating in the trees.

Summer is here,
The season of freedom,
       No more assignments to complete,
       No more bedtimes to be in by,
       No more rules we have to follow,
       No more teachers to tell us what to do.

The calmness of the air,
Shows just what summer is,
       Being free as we like,
       Hanging out with friends,
       Playing on the beach,
       Laying in the sand.

I'm excited that summer is here,
But I know, that soon,
       It will be gone for a year,
       I need to enjoy it now,
       While I still have the chance,
       Summer vacation starts here.

Many things will come out of this summer,
New experiences for everyone,
       Memories will be made,
       Hearts will be broken,
       Fun times will be shared,
       Summer will not be forgotten.

Monday, May 31, 2010

My Future

Author's Note: This is a poem I wrote about going into high school.

Walking down the road,
It's ambiguous.
I don't know why I'm walking,
       where I'm walking,
       what I'm walking to.
A new life maybe.
A different world,
       different people,
       different places,
       different feelings.
Different experiences will come,
       different obstacles will appear.
Hopefully the choices I have made
Will help me overcome them.
As of right now,
I made it.
To the next step of life.
The next time to shine.
The next time to prove myself.
I will conquer all my fears,
achieve all my goals.
I will show,
I can do anything.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Author's Note: This is a poetic response to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I wrote about how Christopher is the only person in our world who will not speak a lie. Our world is so corrupt as of now, lies are a normal part of society.

All over our world today are lies,
no one can trust any longer.
With one special boy,
nothing is a lie.
Spoken is the truth,
he tells exactly what happened.

All can trust him,
everything he says.
His mind is different then ours,
we all tell lies.
Many in a weekend,
more in a month,
most in a year.
Lies all around in this world,
It's difficult to trust
Besides this one boy.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Priests Without Religion

Author's Note- This is a response to The Power and the Glory. I wrote about all the scenes that show how religion has disappeared—or become a totally different thing—in Mexico.

In the novel, The Power and the Glory, religion is not a part of their civilization like it is of ours today. Religion was present, but the paradox of this supposedly sacred thing was conspicuous in the novel. People are still practicing their religions, but it is a crime to profess your faith publicly. Earlier in the novel the whiskey priest wouldn't have a confession service because he hadn't gotten enough sleep and was too tired. A priest who is committed to his convictions would have held this mass for others because it would be the right thing to do and it would benefit people that were ready to confess their sins to their Lord. This would be a significant time in anyone's life and would involve lots of courage.

When Padre Jose gave up his religious beliefs to protect himself from the government everyone in the town immediately lost all respect that they had for him. Even Padre Jose himself knew that he was a man with no values. "I'll call the police if you don't go. You know what sort of a man I am." (118) Padre Jose gave up with his beliefs right away when he was threatened. This is a major weakness that is shown in our world today. Many people collapse when someone doesn't agree with them--but in reality, if you are fighting for what you believe in, not everyone will be satisfied with what you are doing. Because their was no visible religion in Mexico, their world had become more and more corrupt every minute of every day.

Religion is such a vital part of our world today; if religion was banned in our society, there would be many disagreements. Some would choose to follow through with their faith, while others would give up on their beliefs, like Padre Jose. With religion not a part of everyday life in Mexico, many have lost what they were once fighting for.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Writing Response

Author's Note- This is a writing response to the novel Rules of the Road. I responded to a quote that I thought was vital to the novel. This quote talked about how some people live life the way they want to while others hide from their true self.

The Choice

In our lives, we will encounter many people that hide behind something they are not. There are also some people that are not afraid to be themselves. This presents a vital question that we must ask ourselves from the beginning of our lives. Will we be the type of person who hides from who we really are, or will we put all fear aside and be who we want to be? "Too many people try to fake their way through life. That's why the real ones shine so brightly." (pg. 146) Jenna realized that she must be a person who lives life how she wants to--she won't let anyone take control of her. She will be the person who shines brightly, leading others to make the right choice with their life. Mrs. Gladstone learned from Jenna--who was just a teenager at the time--and decided to live her life to the fullest and be her own person.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Author's Note- This is a fiction piece to the novel, Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer. It was written as Jenna, the main character. She adventures out on a road trip with her boss, and meets many new people along the way. Harry Bender is one of the most special people that she's met, and she wished that he would have been her dad. This is a scene I added right after Jenna gets tragic news about Harry.

The Turning Point

I was having such mixed feelings at this point. I didn't know what to do besides just lay in my bed and cry. I wasn't quite sure how I loved Harry Bender so much; I had known him for about two weeks. Although, later I realized that the more I cried the better I felt about my dad, Harry, my life.

This feeling was ruined when we got news of how Harry died. I was so furious and sad at the same time. Mrs. Gladstone came into my room for one of my special grilled cheese sandwiches that night. She said that she had bad news; I didn't think that anything could be worse than what I had experienced the previous night.

"Jenna, dear, I don't know how to tell you this," Mrs. Gladstone said with sorrow in her voice.

"What?" I questioned.

"I just don't want to hurt you."

"What is it, Mrs. Gladstone?"

"You are going to have to live with this for the rest of your life. I don't want you to have to go through this, but I guess you deserve to know."

"Please, just tell me."

By this time I was very frustrated even though I knew that it was going to be bad news.

"Okay. Here it goes. Jenna, you know how Harry Bender died."

From where this started, I knew this wasn't going to have a bit of hope.

"The drunk driver that killed him was…"

She paused for a moment. I automatically got a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"It was... your father."

She stared directly into my eyes, as if she was wondering what I would do. The situation was extremely ambiguous to me, although I knew exactly what I needed to do. All I needed to do was cry. I needed to get all my feelings out. I really needed to talk to my grandma. She would understand. I missed home, and this wasn't helping the situation. I couldn't decide if I should be mad at my father or try to forgive him. I realized that I had forgiven him too many times to accept this mistake. This was, by far, the worst thing he had done. One of the only people I felt comfortable with, he took away--just like everything else in my life that made me happy.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Author's Note- This is from my group's book, Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer. This is about Jenna's dad and how he's been an alcoholic all her life. He was never there for her and always forced her to lie and cover for him. Jenna, her mom, and her sister had to live without him because of his addiction to alcohol.

Daddy's Gone

Always gone as a little girl,
Never home to tuck her in.
Out all night, again and again,
At the bars, drinking gin.

She sat up waiting,
Never knowing if he'd arrive.
But when he did,
She'd be happy that he's still alive.

Mom would say,
A father they need,
To care for them,
To show them how to succeed.

Driving drunk,
It's the worst you can do,
It's a dangerous decision
Killing everyone, including you.

She's happy he's still here,
But every time he comes around,
He makes things hard,
And upon her face, rests a frown.

Some memories ambiguous,
Just a faded blur,
Others are conspicuous,
Of how they did occur.

She sticks with family,
They'll make it through,
This tough situation,
That they knew.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Author's Note- I was watching the olympics the other night and they showed this inspirational story on the gold medalist of the men's moguls. His name is Alexandre Bilodeau and his older brother has celebral palsy. He said that his brother had been his inspiration for his trip to the Olympics. I was inspired myself and I knew I had to write a poem about it. :-)

Starting down the hill,
Time is standing still,
Crowd cheering,
Path clearing.

See my brother,
Not much farther,
My inspiration,
For this perspiration.

Working through the nights,
I put up these fights,
To get to here,
To have no fear.

Cross the line,
It's a sign,
Forever and always, he gives me pride,
My brother who's by my side.

I Dreamed...

I dreamed of being a singer,
All the kids I would inspire,
Seeing there laughing and smiling faces,
Little did they know what was to come.

I dreamed of being a teacher,
Across the room I would walk,
Teaching kids of special things,
Life would throw at them.

I dreamed of being a firefighter,
Many lives I would save,
Becoming the hero and helping out,
In all these people's lives.

They started out as children,
Not knowing what they would face.
They grew to little adults,
Learning of these things.
When they became adults,
Their lives were taken away.

I saw it all happen,
Although just a dream.
But be careful with your life,
It's the only one you have.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Changing Conventions

People live only the way they've been taught; most of the time that's based on conventions—from family, from friends, or from religion. Conventions are the rules in which people live their lives; without these, people would be lost. When conventions are changed, or someone attempts to change them, it's like stepping out of fantasy and into reality.

As Pi's family began to board the Tsimtsum, his mother started doubting their decision.
"Yes, they have tobacco in Canada—but do they have Gold Flake cigarettes? Do they have Arun ice cream? Are the bicycles Heroes? Are the televisions Onidas? Are the cars Ambassadors? Are the bookshops Higginbothams'?" (91) Leaving her conventions to find new ones is the first step she takes into the real world. Since the ocean symbolizes birth, it's like Pi's mother is being born again when she sets foot onto the vast ocean.

Like the boy in the blue room, red is a whole new color to Pi's mother. After this boy had been living in this room full of blue and was introduced to red for the first time, he was shocked at how many things there were to explore in the world. Since he was trapped in his own fantasy, he didn't know about the world; the things that were out there, all that he was missing. By leaving your conventions—even if you've known them your whole life—a whole new world opens up—something you wouldn’t have found if you didn't take a chance.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Fahrenheit 451

I'm trying to upload my word document, so I decided to just put my essay. I'll keep trying to get it, but for now, here's my project.

Stephanie Phillips—a famous marriage counselor—is writing an article for the New York Times. It covers how you need to find your true love before marriage because "I do" means I do for life—you will stand by their side, and never leave. The divorce rate has been going up constantly, and this is an arising problem in the US. During her article, she will discuss the topics of what causes divorce, who’s affected by divorce, and why not to divorce. With all of this help and information, she hopes to change the minds of some people and their ideas of marriage.

When a couple steps up to the altar, they begin a new chapter of their life. Both of the people—standing in front of friends and family—say "I do" and promise to stay with each other until the day they leave this Earth. Unfortunately, this promise isn't always kept; marriage isn't taken as seriously as it used to be, which is a new arising problem in the United States. The bible says, "Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Mark 10:9 Marriage was meant to last a lifetime—that’s the way God wanted it to be.

There is a reason that divorce has become more common; the laws have made it easier to divorce, and it's become very inexpensive and convenient. With a single signature from the bride and groom, the divorce is final. Households with parents having two careers have a higher divorce rate because of stress trying to organize events, solve problems, and have a strong family. Sometimes the wife feels that she is responsible for more household jobs, and the husband isn't doing any vital jobs around the house. With today’s economy, dual career homes are becoming more common, making this divorce rate rise. Remarriage also contributes to this issue. Studies show that second and third marriages have a better chance of divorce, mostly because people don't wait for the right person to come, and they are too eager to have a partner again.

Divorce doesn't affect just the two people directly involved, it affects everyone around them. Especially business partners, parents of the couple, and children. After a divorce, kids are forced to either split time with their parents, or live with one parent—which can feel like choosing sides. This puts lots of extra, unnecessary stress on the kids. Studies say that eighty-five percent of children with behavioural problems and seventy-five percent of high school drop outs are from fatherless homes. These statistics show how much divorce affects children in the home. Divorce may put people in bad moods and make them difficult to get along with; this wouldn't be an ideal situation for the work world to deal with, either.

There are many ways to prevent divorce, but not many couples take the steps to achieve, or even try this. When couples go through counseling before marriage they have a much lower rate of divorce. Also, couples that practice their religion regularly have a much lower divorce rate, around one to two percent. Marrying at a later age is also a way to help prevent divorce—women married over twenty-five are the most triumphant in their marriage. Having more maturity, more wisdom, and more experience helps have success in a long term marriage.

After reading this article, I hope if you are ever considering divorce, you will make sure that it is what truly needs to happen, and there is nothing you can do to make your relationship better.

-Stephanie Phillips

Relation to Farenheit 451:
In the novel, Farenheit 451, unhappiness in Montag's relationship was burning a hole in his heart. At first, he was forcing himself to believe that he was in love with his wife, Mildred. Eventually, he realized that he wasn't happy, and that this wasn't how he wanted it to be. In today's world, many people are faced with this same problem. Lots of people think they've found the right one, when really, like Montag, they're just believing that they've found their soul mate. The divorce rate in the US has been and will continue to rise until someone decides to take a stand.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Ok. This is my attempt to write a haiku.