Friday, September 18, 2009

Luggage Carts Journal Entry

I will never forget that day,
after a hard loss,
how we had nothing to say,
about how we lost or why we lost,
that bright and cheerful spring day.

I will never forget that day,
A luggage cart was in the hall,
with nothing in the way,
between us and a fall,
with that luggage cart.

I will never forget that day,
flying in the air,
how there was nothing much to say,
over all the laughter from falling hard,
That bright and cheerful spring day.

I will never forget that day,
that will make memories forever.


  1. That is a great poem! I like the way you use a repetitive pattern. ("I will never forget that day") Also, the words you choose to rhyme fit nicely.

  2. I also enjoyed this poem for the same reason. What you do here with repetition is very cool. I like the sound, and the way each stanza unfolds with its own image.
