Thursday, March 25, 2010


Author's Note- This is from my group's book, Rules of the Road, by Joan Bauer. This is about Jenna's dad and how he's been an alcoholic all her life. He was never there for her and always forced her to lie and cover for him. Jenna, her mom, and her sister had to live without him because of his addiction to alcohol.

Daddy's Gone

Always gone as a little girl,
Never home to tuck her in.
Out all night, again and again,
At the bars, drinking gin.

She sat up waiting,
Never knowing if he'd arrive.
But when he did,
She'd be happy that he's still alive.

Mom would say,
A father they need,
To care for them,
To show them how to succeed.

Driving drunk,
It's the worst you can do,
It's a dangerous decision
Killing everyone, including you.

She's happy he's still here,
But every time he comes around,
He makes things hard,
And upon her face, rests a frown.

Some memories ambiguous,
Just a faded blur,
Others are conspicuous,
Of how they did occur.

She sticks with family,
They'll make it through,
This tough situation,
That they knew.


  1. Wow! This is an excellent poem. I like the pattern you use for rhymming. Is this based off of a book you read? Or was it something you just though of?

  2. Thanks! And yeah... it's from my book. I wrote it before I knew that we had to write an author's note, so I'm going to go back and add one.

  3. Jennifer, I think this poem really captured how Jenna feels about her dad. Great job!
