Friday, May 21, 2010


Author's Note: This is a poetic response to The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime. I wrote about how Christopher is the only person in our world who will not speak a lie. Our world is so corrupt as of now, lies are a normal part of society.

All over our world today are lies,
no one can trust any longer.
With one special boy,
nothing is a lie.
Spoken is the truth,
he tells exactly what happened.

All can trust him,
everything he says.
His mind is different then ours,
we all tell lies.
Many in a weekend,
more in a month,
most in a year.
Lies all around in this world,
It's difficult to trust
Besides this one boy.


  1. This is good Jennifer! When I read the poem you really described how Christopher doensn't tell lies. That's pretty cool! Nice Job!

  2. I really like how you were able to write about Christopher in a poetic form. Also, the ending to this poem is a great finish!

  3. This was pretty cool! I loved how you talked about him being the only one who can't lie, and he is the only one we can trust. It made me think about how much we lie, and how other people might not trust us because of that. That's kind of scary! :) Great Job!

  4. This is interesting as a poem. Is there anything else you take away from the idea of Christopher and his views of the truth beside everyone lies? I would hate to have you feel defeated, or hopeless about humanity; what may be a way to look at this that brings us to a better understanding of truth?
